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This provides the authors with very basic stats about what versions of JourneyMap and Minecraft to support, along with your display size and preferred language. No personally-identifying data is used or tracked. I downloaded the map but I don't understand how to actually get it onto minecraft. I also typed in the seed and it put me in the same terrain as the map, but without the buildings or anything. Typing the seed will generate a world same 2010/01/07 A huge Fully Furnished Castle Completely Ready for 1.8. right next to the castle is small farm with several trained horses 2 donkeys and all the gear you need for them. under the castle is a converted end dungeon for use as the basement and storage, The castle has 19 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms and all sorts of fun stuff..like a … 2019/02/22 Download City map for Minecraft PE you can from this category. Here can you find town, megatropolis,village and other creation map GMC is huge, modern city for Minecraft PE which more than 300 different buildings such as airport